Britt’s Pick: Wendy Brandes’ New Anarchy Earrings

A tiny piece of punk rock for everyone

Anarchy: a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

Every once in a while, it’s nice just to feel like you’re misbehaving. Even those who follow the rules to a T can appreciate bending one every now and then (or at least, should give it a try). Now before you go and rob a bank and tell the authorities that Britt from JCK told you to, you must realize that I’m not talking about actual laws. But those everyday rules we give ourselves: No dessert before dinner. Wear only one engagement ring. Don’t wear black and navy together. Be unfailingly polite. Only the most perfectly polished photos can make it to Instagram. Boo! Where on earth is the fun in any of that?

Thank goodness for Wendy Brandes. This gifted designer (and awesome person), with her wear-what-you-want, write-what-you-feel, and make-no-apologies-about-it style, makes her, in this blogger’s opinion, the undisputed queen of bad-assery. Thanks to her new design, she’s letting us all borrow (absorb? partake?) a little bit of that panache. If anyone, like me, feels just a little bit cooler by wearing a bunch of earrings at once, these little studs will take that attitude to the next level. Available as a single, a pair, or as the whole trio, they shine with diamonds that are as tough as the symbols themselves: the sign of anarchy, a razor blade, a safety pin. Mix and match, wear them on their own—be ironic and pair them with rainbows and ponies—it’s all up to the customer. But whatever anarchy means to an individual—staying out past curfew, quitting a job, um, Brexit—I know Brandes would be proud to inspire anyone to get in touch with her inner punk. As she tells me, 2016 is the 40th anniversary of the punk rock music movement, so rock on, indeed.

Wendy Brandes Anarchy earrings #BrittsPick | JCK On Your Market

Razor blade stud earring in platinum with 0.05 ct. t.w. diamonds; Anarchy symbol earring in platinum with 0.04 ct. t.w. diamonds; Safety pin earring in 18k white gold and platinum with 0.12 ct. t.w. diamonds; $2,250 for the set. Also in yellow gold (pictured, at top); contact for pricing.

JCK Contributing Editor

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