Think You Know Pearl? Take Our Quiz!

In honor of June’s birthstone, take our quiz to see how much you know about pearls. Be sure to let us know how you did in the comments.


  1. 1. La Peregrina, noted as the “Richest Pearl in the World,” was owned and frequently worn by Jackie Kennedy.

  2. 2. Cleopatra was said to have dissolved a pearl in wine and drank it to prove her love to Marc Antony.

  3. 3. It’s imperative that you tell your customers to always hang their pearls when storing them away.

  4. 4. The quote, “I favor pearls on screen and in my private life,” was spoken by Marilyn Monroe.

  5. 5. Before the discovery of cultured pearls, the gemstone was highly expensive and only available to royalty, the wealthy, and the well-connected few.

  6. 6. Want to know if those pearls are real? Use your teeth.

  7. 7. Tahitian pearls are the most valuable type.

  8. 8. Mother of pearl is another name for a really, really big pearl.


Like this quiz? Test your gemstone knowledge with our other quizzes below!

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JCK Contributing Editor

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