Antwerp Diamond Industry Debuts New Campaign

The international campaign slogan is “Diamonds and Antwerp, it’s in our DnA”

The Antwerp diamond industry has unveiled a new campaign that is meant to solidify the city’s reputation as the diamond capital of the world.

The campaign’s slogan is “Diamonds and Antwerp, it’s in our DnA.” An image (pictured) featuring 16 industry representatives and 10 key values of the diamond industry will be featured in the diamond district.

The campaign was announced today in Antwerp by Antwerp World Diamond Center (AWDC) CEO Ari Epstein and Antwerp mayor Bart de Wever. International promotion will begin in September.

“The diamond industry is inherent to the city of Antwerp and is one of the main reasons for tourists to visit Antwerp,” said AWDC head of communications Margaux Donckier in a statement. “No other city in the world accommodates such a trade center, and this is what makes Antwerp’s diamond industry and city stand out. With this campaign and the upcoming Diamond Year, the city as well as the diamond industry wants to highlight this unique strength. ‘Diamonds and Antwerp, it’s in our DnA’ is a campaign that all Antwerpians can support by signing the DnA charter and becoming an Ambassador of the city and her diamond industry.”

(Photo courtesy of AWDC) 

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